New article on share loan agreements

Katja Dyppel Weber has published an article on Tax Treaty Treatment of Dividend Related Payments under Share Loan Agreements.

The article analyses the qualification and allocation challenges related to dividend payments under share loan agreements. The analysis includes a number of illustrating scenarios pointing out qualification and allocation conflicts for tax treaty purposes in cross-border situations.

Read the article here.

New article on tainted income under the Danish CFC-regime

Peter Koerver Schmidt has published an article on “The definition of tainted income under the Danish CFC-regime and the possibility of obtaining exemption – an analysis of two new administrative decisions”.

The article analyses two new administrative decisions concerning the Danish CFC rules applicable to companies. The first decision – issued by the Danish Tax Assessment Council – deals with the definition of tainted income under the CFC rules with respect to income originating from intellectual property rights. The second decision – issued by the Danish Tax Tribunal – concerns the conditions to be fulfilled in order to obtain exemption from the Danish CFC-rules. In this regard the article discusses the relatively controversial condition stating that the main part of the subsidiary’s income shall originate from business with clients in the country where the subsidiary is resident.

Read the article here.

CORIT participation in Nordic Tax Conference

Peter Koerver Schmidt has participated in the tax conference ”Corporate Taxation and the International Challenge” held by Nordic Tax Research Council the 22th to 23th of May 2014.

Peter Koerver Schmidt was sent as the Danish legal national reporter. Further, he has held a lecture on Danish anti-avoidance rules in relation to hybrid entities. Finally, he has participated in a panel debate on the use of anti-avoidance rules in general.

New article on Debt-flavoured Equity Instruments

Jakob Bundgaard publishes an article in top journal on debt-flavoured equity instruments in international tax law.

The article deals with how debt-flavoured equity instruments are treated in an international perspective. The article analyzes how preferred stocks are treated in Denmark, Germany and the US. Further, the article analyzes the treatment of preferred stocks according to double tax treaties and EU corporate tax law directives.

The article is available here.

CORIT Advisory senior associate included in prestigious Talent100

Katja Joo Dyppel, senior associate at CORIT Advisory, has been included in the prestigious Talent100 award which was presented 24 April by Berlingske Nyhedsmagasin.


We are really proud of this acknowledgement of Katja and her accomplishments as an advisor and as an academic. At CORIT Advisory we also consider the inclusion as a recognition of our relentless focus on technical competences among our team members.

New memo on crowdfunding

CORIT Advisory has written a memorandum about crowdfunding and tax in Denmark. The memorandum illuminates several of the difficulties that limit crowdfunding in Denmark. We hope that the memorandum helps us to bring more focus on the regulatory environment on crowdfunding in a Danish perspective.

Read the memorandum here.

Tax Risk Management (Country Chapter)

Jakob Bundgaard, Karsten Gianelli, Katja Joo Dyppel, Michael Tell and Peter Koerver Schmidt have participated in preparing a country chapter for Denmark concerning Tax Risk Management.

The chapter has been published on the IBFD Tax Research Platform as part of an e-book/database.

Read their contribution here.

Seminar om kriseramt virksomhed

Reglerne om den skattemæssige behandling i forbindelse med kriseramt virksomhed er ofte ganske komplicerede og bliver konstant ændret.

Vi vil derfor afholde et skatteseminar med fokus på muligheder og faldgruber ved rådgivning til kriseramt virksomhed.

Emnerne for seminaret vil være:

  • Hvad er de skattemæssige effekter af de mest almindelige rekonstruktionsmodeller?
  • Hvordan udnytter man de fremførte underskud og hvad skal man passe på?
  • Hvad sker der ved eftergivelse og konvertering af gæld?
  • Hvad sker der ved salg af virksomhed og enkeltaktiver?
  • Hvordan værdiansætter man aktiver ved overdragelser til interesseforbundne parter?
  • Hvornår er konkursskatteloven relevant og hvad betyder den?

Seminaret vil blive afholdt hos CORIT Advisory i Lyngby i tidsrummet 13-16. Der vil være maksimalt 10 deltagere pr. seminar og vi har derfor foreløbig afsat følgende datoer: 3.4., 10.4. og 24.4.

Prisen for deltagelse vil være 2.200 kr. + moms og der vil naturligvis blive udstedt kursusbevis.

Har det interesse, så må du meget gerne give os en melding senest den 31.3. Tilmelding sker til Steffen Bonde Jensen (