New article by Niels Winther-Sørensen

In a new article about SAFE, Niels has analyzed how a SAFE and similar financial instruments should be qualified for tax purposes in Danish tax law. Niels analyzes the Danish Tax Council’s (Skatterådets) latest decisions on this and is critical of certain parts of the Tax Council’s practice. Regardless of the criticism of the Tax Council’s decisions, the conclusion is clear: If you want to spread the use of the SAFE in Denmark, a change to the Danish tax legislation is necessary.

Read the article here


Karl Berlin
Partner, Master of Laws

Mobile: +45 53 71 07 25

Karl advises on matters within tax law issues and strategic matters. Karl possesses a special expertise in tax matters specific to shipping, energy and energy infrastructure. Moreover, Karl has extensive experience within the sustainable tax area, including public engagement and transparency.

Prior to joining CORIT Advisory, Karl most recently served as Vice President, Head of Tax at Ørsted, a world leading renewable energy company, where he was the chief architect behind transforming the corporate tax department into a highly specialised and externally renowned expert function and fulfilling the company’s ambition of becoming a leading company within the responsible tax agenda.


Professional experience

2024 –              Partner, CORIT Advisory
2017 – 2024    Vice President, Head of Tax, Ørsted
2011 – 2016    Head of Tax, Maersk Drilling
2009 – 2011   Senior Tax Manager, Maersk Supply Service
2008 – 2009    Tax Manager, A.P. Møller Maersk Group
2007 – 2008    Assistant Tax Manager, A.P. Møller Maersk Group
2007 – 2007    Visiting Lecturer, Uppsala University


2016                CEDEP – Executive Development – Fontainebleau
2007                Master of Laws, Uppsala University

New article by Jakob Bundgaard

In the latest edition of Taxo Jakob Bundgaard considers the current global tax policy landscape and namely whether the past decades of coordinating efforts within in tax policy will be affected by the current geo-political tendencies and eventually lead to a more hostile environment between nations in terms of tax measures.

Read the full article here

Portrait of Academic Advisor Peter Koerver Schmidt in Taxo

Our Academic Advisor Peter Koerver Schmidt has recently been portrayed in the Magazine TAXO. Based on his legal research, Peter addresses issues such as corporate tax planning, responsible tax, international developments, tax complexity, and the increasing digitalization of the economy as well as the tax administration.

Access to the full interview can be found through this link: 

New article by Jakob Bundgaard

The delineation of royalties in international tax law remains a hot topic. In this article Jakob Bundgaard comments on the recent Indian Hyatt case on the topic.

Read the article here