CORIT Managing director awarded prestigious tax prize


On Thursday the 27th of April our managing director Jakob Bundgaard was awarded the prestigious Karnov Tax Prize. The prize is awarded to a specialist who has contributed significantly to the development of the field of tax law. The prize was publicly revealed at an event taking place at the Danish National Museum, where the announcement and motivation was presented by Supreme Court Judge, Lars Apostoli and presented by the Danish Minister for Taxation, Karsten Lauritzen.  We are humbled of this recognition which clearly reflects our relentless focus on technical skills and the interaction between academia and private practice. We are thankful and will work even harder to deserve the recognition.

New book on Hybrid Financial Instruments in International Tax Law

The book examines the tax issues affecting the use of hybrid financial instruments (HFIs).

Financial innovation allows companies and other entities that wish to raise capital to choose from a myriad of possible instruments that can be tailored to meet the specific business needs of the issuer and investor. However, such instruments put increasing pressure on a question that is fundamental to the tax and financial systems of a country – the distinction between debt and equity.

This book analyzes the treatment of HFIs – which lie somewhere along the debt-equity continuum, but where exactly depends on the terms of the instrument as well as on applicable laws – under both domestic law and tax treaties. Key jurisdictions, including the EU, some of its Member States, and the United States, are covered.


The book is available here.

