New article by Jakob Bundgaard

In a newly published article in Tax Notes International, our managing director Jakob Bundgaard introduces a concept of private sector involvement in tax policy as a distinct professional services discipline in which private sector tax professionals can play an important role in the development of tax policy. At CORIT Advisory we are increasingly being engaged in international tax policy assignments.

Multinational enterprises of a certain caliber are being increasingly exposed to the challenges of international taxation, while policymakers (up to heads of state) and the public at large are paying ever greater attention to tax issues. This calls for a strategic approach to taxation, including
considering whether the private sector should engage in tax policy issues.

Bundgaard argues that we are witnessing a global trend of significantly increasing private sector engagement in tax policy issues — maybe in response to the increased public attention and interest in the topic. MNEs are strategically engaging in the field, aiming to prepare for the flow of new tax policy initiatives and to make themselves heard. They are eager to provide practical input to the design of new initiatives or to argue for improved framework conditions through constructive dialogue.

In this article the private sector tax engagement phenomenon is described and explained to uncover the contours of what is arguably an actual professional services discipline: private sector engagement in tax policy issues.

Please find the article below.


René Lønne Arenfeldt
Associate Partner

Mobile: +45 31 46 99 75






Professional experience

2023 –               Associate Partner, CORIT Advisory
2016 – 2023     Executive Tax Director, EY (Executive Director since 2022)
2013 – 2016     Tax Consultant, Deloitte


2013                Master of Business Administration and Commercial Law. Aarhus University



  • ”Usikkerheden fylder, når det gælder forsknings- og udviklingsfradraget”, Taxo, no. 3 (interview)


  • ”Lagerbeskatning af udlejningsejendomme”, R&R, no. 10, Karnov, co-author: Mark Hovesen
  • ”Venstre vil udvide omstridt fradragsordning med 7 mia. kr.: »Vi mangler nogle helt klare kriterier«”, Finans (interview)
  • ”Mange faldgruber i ny lagerbeskatning” ,Nordicals Erhvervsmæglermagasin no. 3 (interview)


  • ”Forskning og udvikling – lysner det lidt skattemæssigt?”, R&R, no. 10, Karnov


  • ”Forskning og udvikling – skattefradraget, som man skal være varsom med at tage”, R&R, no. 12, Karnov
  • ”Omgåelsesklausulen – hvad ved vi nu?”, SR-Skat 2020.265, Karnov, co-authors: Susanne Kjær & Katrine Nielsen
  • ”Aktiesparekontoen – en overset mulighed?”, R&R, no. 7, Karnov, co-author: Brian Hansen


Daniel Rath
Associate, Master of Laws, LL.M.

Mobile: +45 25 70 49 27

Professional experience
2023 –             Associate, CORIT Advisory P/S
2019 – 2023   Student assistant, North Advokatpartnerselskab / Fristrup Advokater


2023                Master of Laws (LL.M.), University of Copenhagen
2022                Erasmus Student, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
2021                Bachelor of Laws, University of Copenhagen



  • ”SAFE (Simple Agreement for Future Equity)”, RevisorPosten 01-2024.
  • “Forsøg og forskning – bemærkninger om udvikling, nyhedsværdi og dokumentation i seneste praksis”, SR-Skat, no. 2.


  • “Kompendium i Forvaltningsret”, Law Academy, 2023

Introducing Our New Logo

CORIT Advisory has embarked on a new trajectory with increased ambitions.
We are now openly stating that we want to become a European tax powerhouse. To that end we have initiated several measures to increase the professionalization of the firm and to support for the future strategy.
We are currently finalizing our new office space and are preparing our footprint outside of Denmark. To support the new strategy, we also felt it was time to upgrade our logo, which has served us well for 11 years and in fact dates back to the very foundation of CORIT as a tax think tank in 2007.
The new logo is intended to show sophistication and simplicify combined, while being recognizable. We maintain the same corporate color scheme.

New Board of Directors at CORIT

CORIT has a new board of directors comprised of very capable and experienced profiles. The primary role of the board is to challenge and support the daily management in achieving the strategy of the firm. We are extremely proud that such distinguished professionals and nice people are willing to engage themselves in the future development of CORIT as a tax powerhouse.
Recently we got to take a joint photography after a board meeting on a sunny day in August.
Please meet our board of directors:
