David Schjelde
Senior Director, M.Sc. Business Administration and Commercial Law

E-mail: dsc@corit.dk
Mobile: +45 22 15 51 44

David Schjelde advises on transfer pricing matters and handles project management. From being a trained tax consultant in big 4 firms, he has mostly been active as CFO in software companies, ranging from startup status to bigger, mature multinational organisations. He also has experiences as COO/CFO in law firms.

David’s broad experience has given him the ability to analyse different organisations and understand their transfer pricing challenges from a practical perspective for the benefit of clients.

Professional experience

2021 –               Senior Director, CORIT Advisory
2019 –  2021    Group CFO, EveryMatrix
2019 – 2019     CEO, MoneyMatrix
2016 – 2019     CFO, Reviso
2015 – 2016     CFO/COO, SundhedsDoktor
2014 – 2015     Direktør, Svejgaard|Galst|Qwist Advokataktieselskab
2009 – 2013     COO, Moalem Weitemeyer Bendtsen Advokatpartnerselskab
2007 –  2009    CFO, BetBrain(/EveryMatrix)
2006 – 2007     Finance Manager, ITAB Shop Concept
2006 – 2006     CFO, Excitor
2001 – 2005     CFO, Capow Technologies
2000 –  2001    Tax consultant, PricewaterhouseCoopers
1999 – 2000     Tax consultant, Deloitte


1998                Master of Business Administration and Commercial Law, University of Aalborg



  • “Proposed implementation of CbCR requirements in Danish Financial Statements Act.”