Magnus Vagtborg
Senior Consultant, Master of Laws, LL.M.


Magnus generally advises on all elements relating to international global mobility taxation and associated fields of secondment and expatriation. In addition he provides advice on International hiring-out of labour, hydrocarbon taxation, entry/exit-taxation, compliance, payroll and tax returns for individuals as well as structure of assignments, BIK and incentives. Moreover, Magnus provides updates for IBFD’s ITA guide on taxation of individuals in Denmark. Lastly, he is also External Lecturer in tax law at Aarhus University.

Lastly, he has been involved in the academic as external lector since 2011 at Aarhus University and lately Aalborg University.

Professional experience

2015 –              Owner and CEO, Crossbord
2016  –             External Lecturer of tax law, Aalborg University
2014                 Correspondent (ITA), taxation of individuals, IBFD
2011 – 2016    External Lecturer of tax law, Aarhus University / Arhus BSS
2014 – 2015    Director, United Tax Network – Denmark
2014                 Tax Manager, United Tax Network – Denmark
2010 – 2012    Senior Tax Consultant, United Tax Network – Denmark
2008 – 2012    Tax Consultant, United Tax Network – Denmark
2018                 Teaching assistant, finance, Aalborg University


2020                 Advanced Professional Certificate in International Taxation, IBFD
2019                 Executive MBA in influential leadership, AVT Business Scholl (AMBA)
2017                 Board Certificate, Board Company (Board Assure)
2011                 Master of Laws (LL.M.). Aalborg University
2009                 Master of Business Administration and Commercial Law. Aalborg University