Introducing Our New Logo

CORIT Advisory has embarked on a new trajectory with increased ambitions.
We are now openly stating that we want to become a European tax powerhouse. To that end we have initiated several measures to increase the professionalization of the firm and to support for the future strategy.
We are currently finalizing our new office space and are preparing our footprint outside of Denmark. To support the new strategy, we also felt it was time to upgrade our logo, which has served us well for 11 years and in fact dates back to the very foundation of CORIT as a tax think tank in 2007.
The new logo is intended to show sophistication and simplicify combined, while being recognizable. We maintain the same corporate color scheme.

New Board of Directors at CORIT

CORIT has a new board of directors comprised of very capable and experienced profiles. The primary role of the board is to challenge and support the daily management in achieving the strategy of the firm. We are extremely proud that such distinguished professionals and nice people are willing to engage themselves in the future development of CORIT as a tax powerhouse.
Recently we got to take a joint photography after a board meeting on a sunny day in August.
Please meet our board of directors:


Invitation to CORIT’s Celebrational International Tax Conference

“Past and future international tax developments”

Copenhagen 10 March 2022

CORIT Advisory cordially invites the tax community to an international tax conference.

As CORIT has existed for 10 years in 2022, we wish to share the celebration with friends, colleagues and clients by hosting a big celebration conference. What better way to mark this event than through a celebration of our great passion: international tax law.

The overall theme of the conference is two-fold. Firstly, we wish to address the major and unprecedented developments that have taken place within international taxation during the past decade. Secondly, the conference will address the important developments of the future.

We proudly present renowned international experts as speakers and panelists from in-house tax functions, consultancy and academia.


Everybody is welcome but limited seats are available. Accordingly, please express your interest in participating by sending an e-mail to

A participation fee of DKK 2,500 is required to prevent no show.



Hjørringgade 12C, 2100 København Ø

See the full programme here

CORIT to strengthen the transfer pricing offering with a senior hire with broad industry background

 We are very pleased to announce that David Schjelde, will join CORIT as Senior director, Transfer pricing as of 1. October 2021.
David will contribute with a broad experience combined with the technical skills needed to excel in transfer pricing.
In his past David has extensive experience in management and business strategy. From the role as CFO he has helped set up and implement corporate structures, transfer pricing strategies and procedures and IPR strategies and procedures.
The diverse background has given David the ability to analyse different organisations and understand their transfer pricing challenges from a practical perspective to the benefit of clients. He knows many of the issues that relate to implementation of transfer pricing procedures in accounting and elsewhere in a multinational organisation.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to David or any other CORIT member if you want to learn more.

We are pleased to welcome Thomas Svane Jensen to our team

We are pleased to announce that we will expand our services into the area of VAT. Our strategic emphasis has been not to offer VAT advice before we could ensure the same level of technical abilities as within other service areas. We have been able to attract leading VAT advisor Thomas Svane Jensen to the team as an associate partner. Thomas brings with him more than 20 years of experience, including as a tax partner and head of Deloittes service line and as co-founder of tax boutique firm. In his practice Thomas Svane Jensen focuses on complex VAT issues and is often engaged by leading MNEs and financial institutions as a trusted advisor with strategic impact.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to your CORIT contact in case you wish to hear more about the VAT service offering.

Høringssvar vedrørende udkast til lovforslag

CORIT Advisory har netop indsendt høringssvar vedrørende udkast til et lovforslag, der umiddelbart har til formål at lempe de administrative byrder for erhvervslivet. Det er vores vurdering, at der er brug for præciseringer førend dette formål kan realiseres. Endvidere er vi kritiske overfor skatteministeriets tolkning af Højesterets afgørelse i Tetra Pak-sagen, der tilsyneladende tages til indtægt for en udvidet fortolkning af kravet om benchmark-studier i den årlige transfer pricing dokumentation – for såvel tidligere som fremtidige indkomstår.

Du kan læse CORITs høringssvar her